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Menu Plan Monday: I have no idea what to cook

No really, I am drawing a blank. I'm craving carbs like nobody's business, but you know, inflammation. And if I was just cooking for myself, it would be easier than cooking for the both of us.

Last night we had steak salad, IP ate two whole steaks. I think there is a growth spurt on the horizon.
Based on what I have in the freezer and minimal shopping, I think I will go with ... a trip around the world. I have severe wanderlust kicking in.

Monday:  America - Tilapia (for me) Salmon (for her) with green beans and cherry tomatoes.

Tuesday:  Mexico - Lettuce Wrapped Tacos (hey, it's Tuesday)
Taco fixings

Wednesday: India - Chicken Curry (yes, I add peas and carrots to my curry).
Chicken Curry
Chicken Curry

Thursday: Caribbean - Jerk Chicken - sweet potato for me, mixed veggies for her. And maybe some plantains. Nom.
Jerk Chicken on Sweet potato
Jerk chicken on sweet potato

Friday: England - Roasted Cornish Game Hens with roast veggies.
Cornish hen with veggies
Cornish hens with squash and sweet potato

Saturday: Leftovers, if there are any. When she likes something, she really likes it. Unless a miracle happens and we go to WonderCon.


  1. For someone who has no idea what to cook, these are some pretty good ideas. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks, when I started planning I had no inspiration.


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