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Menu Plan Monday

Last week was pretty busy. We had the first day of school, buying yet more school supplies because the public school funding in California sucks monkey balls, and Saturday … sending my firstborn off to college.

I hate being unemployed. It makes creating menus so much harder because I’ve had to cut back on my budget, plus my daughter is the picky eater, so I think I’ll be trying a lot of things on my own. She’s officially tired of spaghetti. Especially after having it for two days as lunch plus dinner.

One of the best investments from this year’s school shopping was a thermos soup tureen. We set aside a serving of dinner in this, nuke it in the morning (in a separate microwaveable container) and put it back in the Funtainer. She gets a hot lunch that she likes and a portion size that’s right. Because, apparently, you can have too much PB&J.

Sunday: Leftover pizza because it was too hot and I was too lazy to cook.

Monday: BBQ Raspberry Hoisin Chicken (may substitute chicken fingers and veggies) with Chinese Fried Rice

Tuesday: Tilapia & Summer Vegetable Packets

Wednesday: Soccer Night – Chicken in Basil Cream with steamed broccoli

Thursday: (Turkey) Bacon Cheddar Apple Frittata (this will be an experiment since my daughter isn’t always keen on egg based dishes)

Friday: leftovers

Saturday: YOYO.


  1. I'm visiting from Organizing Junkie today. Happy MPM.
    Yes, being unemployed sucks! My husband suffered 2 unemployments in 1 year. I also was unemployed for 5 months. It's extremely hard on a family. Please hang in there.

  2. Found you through Meal Plan Monday. You may think that the school supplies are rough in CA. It is nothing compared to Texas. We had to buy everything and then some.


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