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Menu Plan Monday: A Day Late

Busy weekends mean .. I'm behind on everything I use the weekend to catch up on!!!!

But it was totally worth it.  Saturday I had a marvelous roadtrip with my daughter to Mission San Luis Obispo. She has a school report due on the missions and what better way than to take her there! We got a very late start, but on the way saw some awesome nature of the California Central Coast,

Route 154 vista stop

I found a spot I want to try camping at, and she seemed to have a good time at the Mission, the museum, and the church. Educational for me too. Catholics do things very differently!
Under the "Joy" bell

 Sunday was just as eventful with the Toyota Grand Prix in Long Beach. My ears are still ringing!

So, here we are, another week, another meal plan:
Monday: Leftovers from the weekend. I felt so gassy, I can't wait to get back to eating clean. But I hate the thought of wasting money, so .. eat up. Or go hungry in the case of my daughter.

Tuesday: I have a late night appointment, so the kids and Hunk will have to fend for themselves. I see either Carl's Jr. or Subway in their future.

Wednesday: Finally cooking again! Zuchinni Parmesan with salad. Quick and easy.

Thursday: Grilled Apple Chicken with sides

Friday: Pan Seared Tilapia

Saturday: Coconut Chicken with salad.

Sunday: leftovers or another salad. I think we will need the fiber to get through the past weekend. Oi!!

What's on your plate this week?

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