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Menu Plan Monday: April Fool's

I kind of feel like one. An April Fool that is. Last week I winged it and didn't plan anything because the week was so busy. The result -- I cooked once, maybe twice and we ate out more than I like. But I think the leftovers from the last week and a half are gone!

I was in Texas stretching my social media wings this weekend and trying to jump back into things at home and work today. The best part of the weekend was spending some quality time with my son's godmother. We haven't seen in each other in over a decade!

I don't know how some of the mom bloggers do so much traveling and keep it together at home! Let alone keep up with chores and stuff -- but then, I only really have the weekend to do that. Almost makes me miss being a SAHM. Almost.

So, what am I planning this week?

Monday: grocery shopping for the rest of the week's meals and Costco pizza (you can't beat the price!) Tuesday: Teryaki Sirloin Steak with Spinach and Strawberry Salad
Wednesday: Sweet Potato and Chicken Stew (yes, a repeat from a few weeks ago, but I still haven't actually made it yet)
ThursdayChicken and Pasta Spinach Bake
Friday: -- edit -- Just found out my daughter's softball team is having a team dinner that night.
Saturday: Leftovers or (Vegetarian) Stuffed Peppers
Sunday:  Easter! Lamb and side veggies

What's on your plate this week?

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  1.  One can't definitely go wrong with chicken. It's so affordable.
    I stocked up this weekend.
    Have a wonderful week!


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