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Read "Princess of Mars" Before the Martians Attack

With John Carter (by Edgar Rice Burroughs, you know, the Tarzan guy) coming out soon, I got on Project Gutenburg and found the first 5 books for free (which can also be bought online for your Kindle - The John Carter of Mars Collection (3 books) - but my Nook reads epubs, so I opted to go the free route rather than pay, because, you know B&N offers a similar collection too).

By the way, please keep in mind that this series was written at the turn of the 20th century and is set just after the Civil War.
Free Downloads:
  1. Princess of Mars also as an audiobook 
  2. The Gods of Mars 
  3. Warlord of Mars 
  4. Thuvia, Maid of Mars 
  5. Chessmen of Mars
I haven't been able to find books 6-11 for free, but I will keep looking. In the meantime, you can read it online, with illustrations at


A little digging around the interwebz helped me find the rest of the series. They are zip,text, and HTML versions at Project Gutenberg Australia. I link to the text versions here.

  1. The Master Mind of Mars 
  2. A Fighting Man of Mars 
  3. Swords of Mars 
  4. Synthetic Men of Mars 
  5. Llana of Gathol 
  6. John Carter and the Giant of Mars 
  7. Skeleton Men of Jupiter  

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