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Oh my!

Photographed by David Moyle
I never dreamed I could look like this! 

I was kind of an ugly duckling growing up -- coke bottle glasses, goofy grin (that hasn't changed), and over all awkwardness that I never grew out of. Suffice it to say, I didn't (and some days still don't) have the greatest self-esteem when it comes to my looks.

However, I have known since college that I have a decent pair of legs :D.  A few years ago (I can't believe it's been years!) I had a leggy avatar for twitter and about the same time I started hanging out with photographers in Long Beach/North OC. One of them is the amazing David Moyle. We talked about doing a shoot of my legs. He does some breathtaking work. Three years later we finally made it happen. And damn, don't I look HAWT?!?

I want to thank @Jonathan360 (another awesome LB photographer) for suggesting Smash Photo in Long Beach -- because, you know me, procrastinator - couldn't find a studio and there was no way this shoot was happening at home. Bill and Shirley got back to me ASAP and were able to fit me in on short notice. They are a very affordable studio, and Bill was great to work with. Especially when my shoot ran long. I would definitely recommend them again and again.

circa 1998
The shoot was a lot of fun -- I think I gave the impression that I wasn't happy with the shots because I am not used to the way I look. I still have this image in my head of what I am supposed to look like. The idea of being curvaceous is still new to me, especially with the Costco-sized muffin top I sport (thank goodness for shapewear!). A talented photographer can tell you how to pose to hid those trouble spots and bring out your best features without a lot of Photoshopping.

Now I have other photos to tag for a very special present.


  1. You look FANTASTIC! But Annette, you're a beautiful person inside and out.

  2. Thank you so much, Amanda. That means a lot coming from you.

  3. I just saw this! You look beautiful honey!

  4. Damn sexy I would say!


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