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Movies Worth Re-Watching

It's the holiday season and that means days off from work, school, and possibly contagious diseases. Do you remember being home sick, on the couch, or in bed, and watching TV in between doses of Nyquil or Theraflu?

Even when I am not sick, but want to watch something comforting and familiar I turn to these movies:

At the top of my list is "The Princess Bride". It has been my favorite movie since childhood. Romance, action, comedy - what more do you need?

Since it's the holidays, my favorite is "Miracle on 34th Street" - in B&W, not Technicolor. I also love "Arsenic & Old Lace".

When I want a great action flick, I turn to Captain Tightpants and "Serenity ".

If I need a good cry I watch "What Dreams May Come ".

What are some of the movies you watch over and over?

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  1. Always a tough question, but "go to" movies to watch again and again...

    Holiday films: Die Hard (It takes place at Christmas...)

    Action films: The Craig Bonds (both of them), Aliens, the original Raiders of the Lost Ark

    Solid Dramas: Heat, The Trip (a drama with a jaded sense of humor), Richard III (with Ian McKellen)

    Family Friendly: The Harry Potter films (We're re-watching them as Sonic Boom finishes the books.)

  2. You know, all of your movies I would consider as action flicks :) . My daughter recently got into the Spiderwick Chronicles after watching the movie. Anything past HP II she still considers too scary.

    Completely agree with your Bond choices. I could (and do) watch Daniel Craig a few times a year.

    I've never seen Richard III with Ian McKellan. I did watch "Looking For Richard" -- documentary with Al Pacino. I'll have to find the Ian McKellan one.

    Hope you have a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

  3. Christmas Carol - 1984 George C Scot
    Star Trek 2 and 11
    Die Hard
    A Wonderful Life
    Miracle on 34th Street
    Sherlock Holmes - Basil Rathbone & Nigel Brice
    Bond - Post Roger Moore
    Rio Bravo
    Pelican Brief
    The Mummy - Brandon Fraiser
    Dante's Peak
    Independence Day

    Definitely not on the list:
    Princess Bride
    Pretty Woman
    Citizen Cane
    Big Lebowski
    Leaving Los Vegas
    Stanley Kubrick

  4. Oh good god. There are a LOT of movies I'd watch over and over. Princess Bride is now our new post-Thanksgiving meal feature film.  Christmas movie is Love, Actually. But films I'd stop and watch whenever it's on TV are any Harry Potter films, any Pixar films (except for Cars), just about any Disney animations, Serenity, The Shining (on AMC more often than you think), Silence of the Lamb, and Shawshank Redemption.


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