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Movember - Changing the Face of Men's Health

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Well, October is over, and the pink will eventually fade, and now it's November. Pardon me, Movember. Time for men to take it all off. Facial hair that is. 

Let’s face it, men are known to be more indifferent towards their health, especially when compared to the efforts of women, who proactively and publicly address their health issues in a way not traditionally seen with men. As a result, today the levels of awareness, understanding and funding for support of male health issues, like prostate cancer, lag significantly behind causes such as breast cancer. From

This morning @hankito surprised me:

And I agreed so long as he actually signed up to raise awareness and cash and not just as a stunt excuse to not shave for a month. I actually prefer my men to have a nicely trimmed beard and 'stache; Grizzly Adams, not so much.

So, he did. <--- Go here to donate to men's prostrate and testicular cancer research.

So boys, call your doctor (here's a cheat sheet) and get your boys checked out. Do it for the women in your life if you won't do it for yourself. 
Day 1


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