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Book Review: A Reliable Wife

A Reliable WifeA Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I didn't really like this book. Despite reading a lot of murder mysteries, this book really delved into the dark side of human nature and motives. There's lying, backstabbing,sex, poisoning, more sex ... but not good erotic scenes. I finished it only because I kept hoping it would get better.

In the end the protagonist redeemed herself, so it has a happy ending, of sorts.

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  1. Were you hoping it was more erotic, lol?

  2. well, if you're going to say the sex was amazing - write a passage or two describing that hotness.

  3. You must not live in Wisconsin or any other state where the snow and cold is interminable. I devoured the book sitting in the midst of a blizzard here in Minnesota. Are you familiar with the story behind Wisconsin Death Trip? It's another revelation about insanity in Wisconsin.

  4. I've never heard of the Wisconsin Death Trip. But now you've given me something more to read about.

    And you're right, I don't live where winter goes on forever. Born and raised in sunshine. I get cabin fever after three days and that was in Portland, OR!


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