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Whole Wheat Oatmeal Pancakes

I've been playing around with the recipe for a few weeks now and I think we have a winner. The Hunk called last week's batch the best ever, so I'm going to try to duplicate it this week and document it.
Ingredients :
2 cups whole wheat flour (I use Gold Medal)
1 cup Coach's Oats
1tsp baking soda
2tsp baking powder
1/2tsp salt
1/4 sugar in the raw (honey can be substituted)
2 eggs (flaxseed can be substituted)
2tsp vanilla
1.5 cups milk (coconut or almond milk can be substituted)
1 cup water
Pecans, dried or frozen berries
Combine dry ingredients. Mix liquid ingredients in a separate bowl, then add to dry. Mix well. Let sit while you heat your griddle. Batter will appear watery, but any thicker and you will have *really * thick pancakes.
Pour out batter in 1/4 cup increments. Cook until both sides are golden brown.
*posted using the blogger app, sorry about the formatting


  1. Definitely going to try this. We've been trying to move from white flour to wheat and my pancakes have been a disaster. Thanks so much for sharing

  2. My kids are used to me using whole wheat as a substitute, so you can gradually add more whole wheat flour to get them used to the taste and texture. Just one or two of these is filling compared to a small stack of regular pancakes!


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