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Disqus Integration

If you happen to actually visit my blog and not get it delivered in email or an RSS feeder, you may have noticed a few changes around here. Sometimes even I get tired of the way my blog looks and need to switch it up a bit. Sort of like moving furniture around every 6 months. It’s a good way to clean things up, play around with a new look, and get rid of clutter.

One new thing that I added, that I hope will build up a little community around my corner of the blogosphere, is Disqus, a commenting system. Why do I need a commenting system? Doesn't Blogger have one built in?

Yes, blogger does have built in, but it's less than ideal. There is no way to do threaded comments, and sometimes comments get lost in my email.

I did in fact use the “idiot-proof” installation method and it seems to have imported all of my comments beautifully (this is actually how I became aware that I had missed a few comments!) That step was the one I was most fearful of since I had read that people had lost hundreds of comments. I can go into disqus and reply to all you wonderful commenters. And soon there will be an Android app for it.

So please, comment away! Even if it’s to say that I write rubbish. I can only get better, right?


  1. I've been thinking about sprucing up my comment box myself. Leaning towards Comment Love however, I don't think it's available for Blogger. :(

  2. It is actually available now, you just have to install Intense Debate too ...

  3. Very Nice.This post is really helpful for me.


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