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Menu Plan Monday: Paleo Edition

Carb deprivation has me and my daughter at each other's throats. I'm used to it, but her eye doctor just told us that she needs to cut back on refined sugar and refined carbs (not a problem at my place since I cut that shit out of our diets over a year ago, but I think it might be at her dad's).

Lack of physical activity since October (sprained wrist, in splint for almost six weeks) has her gaining weight and mental anguish.  She's built like her father instead of me. It's a clusterfuck. And every time she asks for something to eat, it's purposefully UNHEALTHY!

I just sent her to bed as if she was five. Because she was acting like she was three. And you wonder what the heck any of this has to do with this week's menu plan?

The large Caveman statue in Grants Pass, Orego...
The large Caveman statue in Grants Pass, Oregon.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I need to post the past few weeks menu plans, but I've slowly been going more paleo, less part-time vegetarian, which is harder than you think when coupled with the fact that the custody arrangement has changed so that her father has her three days midweek and she gets more processed food over there than with me. So her diet (as in what she eats on a daily basis and the ability to make healthy choices) is completely screwed.

I've lost 10lbs since December eating more Paleo, so I'm sticking with it! I was walking a lot (16K-20K+ steps a day!) due to Ingress (still in beta), but since I've started working, I'm lucky to get in 6-8K steps. The continued weight loss despite the drop in physical activity has me simply amazed.

Sunday: Spinach, Tomato, Turkey Omelette

Monday: Baked Honey Mustard Chicken Tenders (I use light mayo and Italian breadcrumbs instead of cornflakes) and Arugula Salad (kid friendly)

Tuesday: White Bean and Sausage Saute (kid friendly)

Wednesday: Leftovers - first full night without daughter

Thursday: Primal Jamabalaya- first time trying cauliflower rice. We'll see how that goes.

Friday: Minestrone (paleo and good choice for the crockpot) - I'm going to be scouring Mark's Daily Apple a lot over the next few weeks.

Saturday: Lamb Chops with Parsely and Mint Sauce -- I splurged on this one and got fresh (instead of dried) parsely and mint.

Sunday: Cheat day - going out with friends, but I'll be walking like crazy.

Breakfast will be oatmeal (I know, not paleo. Baby steps people! I hardly eat breakfast to begin with) or eggs and bacon for both of us for most of the week. Lunches for me will be dinner leftovers and fruit, or salads from Fresh & Easy. Hoping my daughter will choose hot lunches instead of sandwiches.

What's on your plate this week?

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  1. I'm trying to increase protein for healing. I have to stay away from leafy greens for a lil while since my blood continues to thicken since my surgery. (odd)

    Funny and good read, lady.

    -RAP, II

  2. I started noticing it too and it's been a great inspiration. I'm going to try zoodles this week and see if I can find some spaghetti squash.


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