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How to determine your "Star Wars" name

How to determine your "Star Wars" name:

For your new first name:

1. Take the first 3 letters of your 1st name and add
2. the first 2 letters of your last name

For your new last name:

3. Then take the first 2 letters of your Mom's maiden name and add
4. the first 3 letters of the city you were born

How to determine your Star Wars honorific name and title:

1. take the last three letters of your last name and reverse them.
2. add the name of the first car you drove/owned
3. insert the word "of"
4. tack on the name of the last medication you took.

With Love,
Annho Talos,
D'na Toyota of Advil


  1. I'm glad you popped up in a new window. this is hard

    Linse Coeas
    Sre Toyota of Topomax

  2. johya mitor

    hey it kinda works out

  3. Nice. I like this alternate identity for an alternate universe.

    Alene Cloxn
    t'ti Fiat of Atenolol

    What about the kids? They haven't driven a car yet. No honorific name and title for them.


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